Small things that allways make my day.
~ Hellos and smiles
~ E-mails from people, the thing that were typed and sent to you.
~ Comments on anything really. Comments are just fun to read.
~ Short stories, fictional writing or recollections. It's allways nice to hear from other people, their stories, lives or work.
~ When someone messages you before you message them. Long MSN conversations
~ Phone calls, Or I guess long conversations in general
~ Flowers.. well because their pretty and I got them once, so their cool.
~ Waves or pasing conversations. For some reason that tiny gesture often brightens my day. who knew.
~ Chocolate.. because well I have ovaries and taste buds.
~ Veronica mars! And sleep overs or just hanging out with friends.
~ Random off hand and unexpected nice comments or jestures. (Gwyn <3's for the soup, Kcam love the flaun <3, Geoff random vists <3)
~ When people are looking for you. Ok this one is weird, but for some reason whenever I run into someone who's been looking for me, I tend to feel great.. maybe it's the timing.
~ Going for drives or walks, once again it's probobly the one on one factor.
~ Dancing, or being asked to dance. Nitro raving all of it, makes everything melt away.
~ Hugs.. because well their hugs and they rule.. I supose kisses fit here too, oh and Lesbian jokes/jesting (Gwyn/Erin/Glue/Amy :P). For some reason joking around helps... probobly the laughter.
~ Whenever I see or hear from people I don't expect to.
~ Home made vegan goodies or crafts, someone cared enough to put all that work into something to give you.
~ Random kindness, you see it once in a while and it's nice.
~ Kittens.. because everyone loves them, and they never cease to brighten my day. Same with my dog and really all animals.
~ Notes, you know those old school scraps of paper where someone uses their hands to write you something. And then gets caught handing it to you or slips it into you locker,pocket, or bag.
~ Letters. Yeah, i'm oldschool like that.
~ Drawings, I love getting them. All art really.
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