A:just don't get anywhere sometimes. lack of stuff to hold my interest i guess. I'm more a fan of the physical
me: need accessories... ooor try some yoga. Get super bendy.
A: Yoga would kill me. Don't bend well.
me: motivation to learn
A: no i mean my joints just wont do it. can't even touch my toes. Honestly I'd rather bend you.
me:cute. I'm ok with it
A: :)
me: still might have to make you pleasure yourself for me.
A: I would hope so. For hows that work?
me: Chair, spot light and you taking direction?
A: yeah that sound scary.
me: or hot? .... I tried.
a: Ha
me: sooo not motivating for fun ?
A: your cute
me: what if i tied you to the chair and denied you the ability to cum until it pleased me.
Still cute?
A: you are... not the spotlight scenario tho
Me: what if the audience is removed?
A: Now your cute with evil intentions
Me: haha, I love you
A: I love you too.
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